Parliament Week Marked On St Helena

During the week commencing Monday 6 November, St Helena schools celebrated Parliament Week. As the Children’s Champion, Councillor Rosie Bargo took this opportunity to lead a program to educate young people about how the St Helena Legislative Council and new Ministerial system operate. This aimed to inspire their interest in legislative proceedings, politics and democracy given the impact on these on all of our lives, whilst encouraging them to engage with St Helena Legislative Council.

Each school visit began with a brief educational video featuring the St Helena Legislative Council and Ministerial system. This was followed by a debate on topics such as anti-social behaviour, energy generation, and what the future might hold for St Helena’s young people. Other general themes like shipping and the cost of living were also discussed. At the end of each session, schools received a UK Parliament Activity Pack courtesy of the Governor’s Office.  

Councillors Andrew Turner, Robert Midwinter, Dr Corinda Essex and Karl Thrower participated in these visits. Other Elected Members and Ministers had hoped to attend but were unable to due to other commitments or overseas business.

The Legislative Council would like to thank teachers and students for their engagement during these sessions.

Councillor Rosie Bargo, Children’s Champion, commented:

“It was enlightening to see that children displayed such a keen interest in learning about how Parliament works here on St Helena and even in the UK. Their knowledge of all chosen topics impressed me greatly, along with their questions and concerns regarding current issues faced by our community. I am very proud that we have upcoming bright politicians who will shape the future of St Helenian politics. I encourage everyone interested in joining Youth Parliament to register your name today. We need you now more than ever before – let’s start working towards building tomorrow’s leaders today!”

Whilst a Youth Parliament was formed many years ago, it has since disbanded. Councillor Bargo is in the process of re-establishing a Youth Parliament on St Helena and encourages any young persons aged between 11 and 21, who are interested in joining the Youth Parliament, to register. More information on the Youth Parliament proposals will be made available shortly.

For more information or registration details contact Children’s Champion, Rosie Bargo, by telephone on 22590 / 23663 / 66221 or via email through

#StHelena #ParliamentWeek #YouthParliament

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