4 August 2023
Over the past three weeks of updates on the Agricultural Production Project, focus has been on works undertaken at the ex-Agricultural Development Authority (ex-ADA) fields, securing pastures with appropriate fencing and clearing these of invasive and non-native species, along with pastures that had storage units and animal shelters constructed on them.
This week (the final week) works that have been undertaken thus far on the renovation and refurbishment of the Poultry Unit at Farm Buildings and Poultry and Brooder Units at Scotland, will be featured.
SHG owns the Poultry Unit at Farm Buildings and the Poultry and Brooder Units at Scotland. The Poultry Units and Brooder Unit at Scotland is in use but the Poultry Unit at Farm Buildings has been vacant for a few years.
All Units require extensive upgrade and refurbishment so that they are brought into full functionality to maximise the use of the assets.
Surveys of the Units have been undertaken and designs and specifications for the Units have been prepared and signed off by the Increased Agricultural Production (IAP) Project Board.
Renovation and refurbishment of the Poultry Unit at Farm Buildings
Following an open procurement exercise carried out in May/June 2023, SHG has entered into a contract with Ambledale Workshop Ltd to undertake the renovation and refurbishment of the Poultry Unit at Farm Buildings. The total value of this contract is £39,879.89.
Works commenced on site on the 24 July 2023 and are programmed to be completed in October 2023.
Renovation and refurbishment of the Poultry and Brooder Units at Scotland
A full planning application had to be submitted for the designs of the Poultry Units at Scotland as construction of a gabion wall and concrete ramp was being proposed. Planning permission for the proposal was approved on the 23 June 2023.
Following receipt of the Planning permission, tender documentation was finalised and an open procurement exercise commenced in July 2023. A site visit for possible tenderers was undertaken on the 01 August 2023 and the procurement exercise is due to close on the 11 August 2023.
It is expected that the renovation and refurbishment of the Poultry and Brooder Units at Scotland will take 4-5 months to complete.
All of these works will help to increase economic activities and productivity by developing the SHG agricultural estate.
All contracts advertised under this project, was carried out through open procurement and have only been advertised locally. The tenders have reached a wide range of the private-sector businesses.
04 August 2023