Formal Legislative Council Meeting Wednesday 28 And Friday 30 June 2023

A formal meeting of Legislative Council will take place on Wednesday 28 June at 10am at the St Helena Community College. This is the first sitting of the thirteenth meeting of Legislative Council and will be broadcast live via SAMS Radio 1.

The Order Paper includes six Sessional Papers and fifteen questions for oral response. There will also be a total of two Bills for debate, namely the 2023 Appropriation Bill, which details the expenditure budget for 2023/24 and the Telecommunications (Amendment) Bill 2023.

Bills can be viewed on the SHG website at

A copy of the Order Paper, which is subject to change, can be viewed on the SHG website at

The second sitting of the thirteenth Legislative Council will take place on Friday 30 June 2023.

The session will conclude with the customary Adjournment Debate, during which each Elected Member will have the opportunity to raise various island issues.

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