1 March 2023
On Tuesday 21 February 2023, two development applications were approved at a meeting of the Governor in Council.
Construction and Expansion to Existing Reservoir at High Ridge, Levelwood
An application to construct a reservoir and expand the existing reservoir was approved, with conditions.
The development of the raw water resources (construction of an additional new raw water reservoir and enlargement of the existing raw water reservoir) at the Levelwood Water Treatment Works, together with the bulk water supply pipeline recently installed between the Levelwood Water Treatment Works and Sandy Bay, will form the backbone of the bulk water supply to the Sandy Bay area.
Within SHG’s Vision and Strategy 2022-2025, one of the key objectives is to develop and maintain physical infrastructure, including utilities. Furthermore one of goals within the Sustainable Economic Development Plan is to improve water infrastructure with the vision to achieve development which is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable by increasing standards of living and quality of life.
This proposal looks to address the increasing demand and improve water security in the Levelwood Water Supply Zone. The new reservoir will have a capacity to hold 7250m3 of water with overflow into the existing and the expansion of the existing reservoir will increase its capacity from 4300m3 to 10,300m3.
The two reservoirs are needed to ensure the water security situation experienced in the Levelwood Water Supply Zone will not suffer once treated water is also supplied to the Sandy Bay area.
The proposal was therefore supported by the Island-wide presumption in favour of facilities for water storage, treatment and distribution.
Balcony and Veranda at the Yacht Club, Jamestown
An application to restore a balcony on the front of the building and erect a freestanding veranda in front of the building was approved, with conditions.
The construction of a balcony will restore a feature that was previously part of the building and will be done to the specifications as detailed in historical images.
The veranda will provide first floor outdoor catering space and protection to the ground floor area below it. It will be constructed of timber, with traditional details including criss-cross balustrades reflecting St Helena tradition, and will stand clear of the wharf road carriageway, behind the line of existing concrete bollards.
21 February 2023