16 February 2023
Careers Fair 2023 was held at Prince Andrew School Hall between 10am and 8.30pm on Wednesday, 15 February 2023.The Fair was originally due to be held in October 2022, but was postponed due to COVID.
The Fair provides members of the public, students and job seekers with a chance to meet employers face-to-face and gain a real insight into the requirements for different careers on the Island. The Fair also highlights opportunities available and allows participants to market themselves to prospective employers.
During the opening of the fair, welcome and brief remarks were given by HE Governor Nigel Phillips CBE; Chief Minister, Julie Thomas; and Fair Coordinator, Cynthia Bennett.
HE Governor Nigel Phillips CBE gave an inspirational speech and spoke about his varied career path, from serving in the Royal Air Force to becoming Governor of the Falkland Islands and now St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.
Chief Minister, Julie Thomas, encouraged attendees to utilise the fair to engage with the businesses and organisations and to recognise the different possible career pathways available to them.
Development Coordinator at Career Access, Cynthia Bennett, has been the lead on the Careers Fair for over 12 years and is due to retire next month. In her speech Cynthia gave special thanks to all the stallholders and the Careers Fair Working Group.
A special mention was given to Mr Colin (Skipper) Lawrence who attended the Fair and displayed a number of woodwork items created by the late Mr William (Billy) Yon, in the hope that the skill of woodturning can be revived on the Island. Billy Yon participated in and displayed the items at the first ever Careers Fair held at the Consulate Hotel in 1999.
Businesses and organisations taking part in the Fair included various SHG Portfolios and sections, Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc, Saint Helena Airport Ltd, the Saint Helena National Trust, Bank of St Helena, Travel St Helena Ltd, External Audit Service, Chevening and SHAPE.
Presentations were delivered by the Royal Navy, Attorney General’s Chambers, Social Care, the Education, Skills & Employment Portfolio, Legislative Council, Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc, and the St Helena Fire & Rescue Service.
Demonstrations throughout the day were delivered by the St Helena Fire & Rescue Service and the Health Services Directorate.

#StHelena #Education #PAS #Career #CareersFair2023
16 February 2023