15 June 2022
The St Helena Veterans Association (SHVA) has kindly donated a wooden bench to the Health Services Directorate. The bench was made locally and has been placed outside of the Half Tree Hollow (HTH) Clinic for the benefit of persons using the Clinics’ services.
Members of the SHVA attended a small dedication ceremony at the HTH Clinic on Tuesday, 14 June 2022, where management staff of the Health & Social Care Portfolio and community nurses, who work at the HTH Clinic on a daily basis, accepted the bench from SHVA members.
The bench is dedicated to those Saint Helenians who served on-board the RMS St Helena during the Falkland Islands conflict.
During the ceremony a short speech was given by member of the SHVA, Mike Durnford. Mike referred to benches providing comfort within public spaces as well a space for social interaction that also supports everyday routines, which the SHVA hopes the bench donated will provide for the community at the HTH Clinic. The Director of Health, Dr Derek Burke, then thanked the SHVA members for their generous donation and was assured by the nurses present that the bench is a welcomed addition to the Clinic and would be well utilised by the public.
15 June 2022