23 March 2022
The South African Government announced yesterday that with effect from today, Wednesday 23 March 2022, the requirements to enter the Republic of South Africa (SA) will change as follows:
- Travellers entering SA will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test not older than 72 hours.
This means that a negative PCR test result is no longer a mandatory entry requirement for travellers who are fully vaccinated. Travellers who are not fully vaccinated will still be required to provide a negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken within 72 hours prior to their departure for SA. South African Authorities class fully vaccinated as having received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
People on-Island who are scheduled to travel on the Airlink flight to South Africa on Sunday, 27 March 2022, are advised that if they are fully vaccinated, they will no longer require a PCR test to be carried out on Friday, 25 March.
Anyone who has pre-paid for their PCR test can contact Sara- Kay Yon via: Sara-Kay.Yon@sainthelena.gov.sh to arrange re-imbursement.
Anyone scheduled to travel who is not fully vaccinated please be advised that you will still need to take a PCR test and you are still required to contact COVID-19 Coordinator, Grace Richards, regarding this. Grace can be contacted via: grace.richards@sainthelena.gov.sh or on tel. 22500.
All people travelling on Sunday who have received their COVID-19 vaccinations on St Helena, should contact Grace on the details above, for a Proof of Vaccination letter.
23 March 2022