Requirements for attending appointments at the district clinics  

The Health Services Directorate would like to inform the public that the District Clinics will operate as COVID Free Zones during days when there are clinics being held, this will commence from Monday, 15 August 2022. 

All persons attending the district clinics for appointments or routine treatments are advised to arrive approximately 30-45 minutes prior to their appointment time.  This is to allow a nurse to conduct a COVID-19 test on all persons before they enter the clinics.  If persons receive a positive test result, the medical staff present will advise on the next steps. 

Masks are required to be worn within the clinics.

The Outpatient and Nurse led clinics – will continue to be held at Half Tree Hollow, Longwood and Levelwood Clinics. Appointments for the Outpatient Clinics are to be booked as usual through the Appointments Clerk.  

Nurse led clinics will occur on alternate weeks and will follow the same procedures regarding COVID-19 testing prior to entering the clinic.   

Medical Assessments -Nurses will still operate at the Half Tree Hollow Clinic for persons withappointments for the various medical assessments i.e. Driving, Overseas Medicals, etc.  

Clinic Services at St Johns Villa:

Gynecology & Mental Health clinics – persons with appointments or using the services are advised to attend the Flu Pod for a COVID test to be undertaken prior to their appointment. Mask wearing will be required when attending appointments at St Johns Villa.

Family Planning – Persons requiring the family planning services are asked to contact the Gynecology Nurse on tel: 22500 prior to their visit and you will be advised on what to do. 

Child Health Clinics – Persons who require appointments or other information regarding child health clinics are advised to contact Child Health Nurse, Sarah Newman, via tel: 23563.


12 August 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470