10 June 2022
The Health Services Directorate would like to inform the public that with effect from Wednesday, 15 June 2022, the Pharmacy will be closed all day on Wednesdays and from 12 noon on Thursdays. It is anticipated that the reduced hours will be for a limited time only and the public will be informed when normal opening hours will resume.
The reduced opening hours is to allow the Stores Section of the Health Services Directorate and Pharmacy staff to process a large consignment of medical stores and other vital drug orders, such as cancer drugs.
Please see below the timetable of opening hours for the Pharmacy commencing Monday, 13 June 2022:
Monday | 9am – 3.30pm (closed 1.30pm – 2pm for lunch) |
Tuesday | 9am – 3.30pm (closed 1.30pm – 2pm for lunch) |
Wednesday | CLOSED |
Thursday | 8.30am – 12noon |
Friday | 9am – 3.30pm (closed 1.30pm – 2pm for lunch) |
Saturday | 9am – 11.30am |
Sunday | CLOSED |
The dispensary bus service will not be affected by these changes.
The public is also reminded that all requests for repeat prescriptions are required 72 hours in advance of collection, these will be processed on weekdays only. The Pharmacy can be contacted via tel: 22500 for repeat requests.
The Health Services Directorate would like to thank the public for their cooperation and understanding at this time and apologise for any inconvenience caused.
10 June 2022