Plaque unveiled to commemorate HMS Waterwitch crew

A ceremony to unveil a plaque on the Waterwitch Monument to commemorate additional crew members who served on the Royal Navy vessel, HMS Waterwitch (1839-1843), took place at the Castle Gardens, Jamestown, on Friday, 17 June 2022.

The ceremony included a prayer of remembrance by the Right Reverend Lord Bishop Dale Bowers MBE and an introduction from HE Governor Dr Philip Rushbrook. Speeches were made by Member of the Liberated African Advisory Committee, Councillor Robert Midwinter, and the Curator of the St Helena Museum, Adam Sizeland.

In his speech Adam said:

“The information I present here today is the result of many years of study by Dr Andy Pearson, who back in October on the visit of the HMS Protector and commemoration for seafarers held at this Monument, brought to my attention information regarding the Waterwitch’s African crew and particularly the three individuals who died while in its service but did not have their names engraved on the Monument like the European crew members. What’s important now is that these individuals’ names are displayed on the Waterwitch Monument alongside their fellow crew members, hopefully to never be forgotten.”

Chief Minister, Julie Thomas, unveiled the plaque displaying the additional names of crew members who died on the ship in the service of the Royal Navy.

The ceremony concluded with prayers and a blessing of the plaque by Bishop Dale.

#StHelena #Ceremony #WaterwitchMonument

20 June 2022

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