27 July 2022
The Health Services Directorate would like to inform the public that with effect from Monday, 1 August 2022, the Pharmacy will be starting a trial period in which a repeat prescription will consist of two month’s supply of medication(s) instead of the normal one month supply. Customers will receive two month’s repeat prescription supply, but will only be charged per item for one month’s supply. Regular medication(s) that are only taken when required e.g. Paracetamol will not be included within the repeat prescription trial and must be requested separately.
The Pharmacy bus has limited storage and refrigeration capacity to stock sufficient medicines to be able to fulfil two month repeat prescription orders. Customers who would like to collect their repeat prescription order from the Pharmacy bus are required to place an order at the Pharmacy at least 72 hours prior to the day in which they intend to collect and request that their prescription be delivered on the Pharmacy bus.
The trial period will be used to reduce the number of people within the Pharmacy during the period in which community spread of COVID-19 is expected and to enable the Pharmacy to dispense medicines at a quicker rate. If successful, the Pharmacy aims for this practise to continue.
The length of the trial period will be dependent on stock levels and will be reverted back to the one month supply if there are any unforeseen circumstances such as delays with shipments on the MV Helena.
The public is reminded that all requests for repeat prescriptions are required 72 hours in advance of collection, these will be processed on weekdays only. The Pharmacy can be contacted via tel: 22500 for repeat requests.
The Pharmacy staff would like to thank the public for their cooperation and understanding during this time.
#StHelena #HealthServices #Pharmacy
27 July 2022