12 September 2022
The Health Services Directorate would like to remind the public that once a person has tested positive for COVID-19, they DO NOT require further COVID-19 testing in order to return to work or to continue their normal daily routines.
Once a person has tested positive they are advised to spend five days isolating and avoiding close contact with others. The five days after the person tests positive is sufficient time for most people to become less infectious (whether they are experiencing symptoms or not).
Once a person has contracted COVID-19 their immune system (the body’s natural defence against illness) will have built up resistance against that particular strand of coronavirus. This means that for a period of approximately three to six months following infection, the body can resist the virus even if the person is exposed to it again.
During the initial community spread of COVID-19 on-Island, the Health Services will not re-test any persons who have already tested positive for COVID-19. If a person continues to feel unwell after five days they are advised to call the COVID-19 Helpline on tel: 25888.
Persons who test positive using COVID-19 testing kits at home are asked to call the COVID-19 Helpline to report their positive test result.
Children under the age of five years do not require testing for COVID-19.
12 September 2022