29 September 2022
The following changes to the Marine Regulation, in accordance with the Fishing Control Notice (https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/news/government-gazettes/), will take effect from Saturday, 1 October 2022:
Closed season for lobster
From 1 October to 31 December 2022 (inclusive) it will be an offence for any person to fish for, catch, retain or land any Spiny Lobster or Stump Lobster.
This includes all types of fishing, spearfishing and lancing from a vessel or from the shore.
This closed season is to protect lobster species during the early stages of its reproductive cycle. At this stage the lobster will hold the eggs inside its abdomen so it is impossible to tell if the lobster is carrying eggs or not. Removing lobster that are carrying eggs can be damaging to the lobster population.
Minimum landing sizes
From 1 October 2022 people fishing must abide by minimum size restrictions, this applies to all types of rock fishing, spear fishing and lancing.
Any of the following fish that are below the corresponding minimum sizes must be immediately returned to the sea. Failure to do so will be contrary to the Fishing Control Notice and will therefore be an offence.
These minimum size requirements ensure that any fish removed from the sea have already had a chance to breed and contribute to the species population.

For further information please contact Marine Compliance & Enforcement Officer, Kelly Jonas, at the Port Control Office, the Wharf, Jamestown, on tel: 25947 or via email: kelly.jonas@sainthelena.gov.sh.
#StHelena #FisheriesManagement
29 September 2022