Virtual Island Summit 2021

The Virtual Island Summit (VIS) will take place from Monday, 6, to Sunday, 12 September 2021.  The Summit is organised by Island Innovation – a green initiative organisation that operates remotely by staff spanning across the globe. 

Island Innovation organises the VIS annually and invites participation of people from varying backgrounds within island communities around the world to share their ideas, examples of good practices and solutions.  In previous summits there has been participation of over 10,000 people which has included political leaders, entrepreneurs, academics and Non-Government Organisation leaders (NGO). 

Participation in the virtual event is free which maximises accessibility for persons interested in how island communities/organisations around the world adapt and maximise their potential in ordinary life, work or business, especially now in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Anyone who may be interested in registering to participate in the Summit can do so via the link below.  If you are unable to attend any of the live virtual events, then do continue to register as Island Innovation offers to forward links to replays of the events once completed:

Notes to Editors:

Island Innovations is a social enterprise and digital media platform at the intersection of sustainable development and communications, offering specialised services across various sectors. They bring together the private sector, government, utilities, NGOs and universities to advance innovation for sustainability and prosperity in islands worldwide.

31 August 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470