28 July 2021
St Helena Government (SHG) continues to plan for the future, this includes maintaining an effective air service for travel to and from the Island.
Recently it was announced that, due to increased demand, three additional charter flights had been added to the schedule during peak travel periods.
To improve the passenger booking process for all charter flights, SHG has partnered with the Shipping & Travel Department of Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc. Solomons will now take on full responsibility for the customer booking process, this will include flight booking requests, cargo, confirming flight arrangements and processing ticket deposits and payments.
SHG’s Head of Civil Aviation, Mark Souter, said:
“We are very happy to have Solomons working with us on the Titan Airways charter flights booking process. This is an area where they have prior experience having undertaken a similar role with Airlink and passengers will benefit from an improved and focussed service.”
Solomons added:
“We are very pleased to be partnered with SHG in supporting these vital travel links to and from St Helena and look forward to once again assisting passengers with their travel arrangements.”
Titan flight schedule for August 2021 onwards
The flight schedule for the Titan Airways Charter flights can be found at the following link: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/coronavirus-covid-19/travel-tourism/
Travel Requests
Travel requests for these flights can be made immediately with availability of both inbound and outbound seats being assigned on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Some seats will be held back e.g. for urgent medical travellers.
From today onwards, travel requests should be submitted to the Solomons Travel team via email: flight.reservations@solomons.co.sh, telephone: (+290) 22523 or visit in person at the Shipping & Travel Department, the Malabar, Jamestown, between the hours of 8am and 3pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Note to Editors
Titan Airways is a specialist in Air Charter Travel and is based at London’s Stansted Airport. As the charterer, SHG is responsible for allocating seats on the flights which are not available for general sale.
Solomons is based on St Helena Island in the South Atlantic Ocean. Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc has deep links to St Helena, establishing it as an integral part of Island life. It operates in a range of sectors on St Helena which include travel, shipping, retail and wholesale, insurance, production, services and the property sector.
#StHelena #FlightsUpdate #TitanAirways #CharterFlights
28 July 2021