St Helena Dark Skies Surgeries

Milky Way from St Helena © Paul Tyson

In 2015, the idea to introduce legislation to reduce light pollution to enable St Helena to apply for International Dark Sky Community status was supported. This is now being progressed through proposed amendments to the Environmental Protection Ordinance, 2016 (EPO) which will see new sections inserted to make provision for the regulation of the use of artificial light at night.

These amendments are now being consulted on and, as part of this consultation process, two drop-in surgeries have been arranged.  

The first drop-in surgery will be held at the Consulate Hotel, Jamestown, on Thursday, 15 April 2021, and the second will be held at Scotland Offices, St Paul’s, on Monday, 19 April 2021. Both surgeries will be held between 11am and 1pm.

You are encouraged to attend the surgeries to find out more about the proposed amendments to the EPO and what else is needed for St Helena to become dark skies compliant.

SHG Officers involved with the Dark Skies Project and the proposed amendments to the EPO looks forward to seeing you there.

#StHelena #DarkSkies

12 April 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470