17 May 2021
The following is a public announcement from the School Nurse Service:
From 1 April 2021, the School Nurse Service is following the St Helena Child Screening Programme (SHCSP). This includes measuring all children in Reception, Year 6 and Year 9. The framework for the SHCSP will be in line with the National Child Measurement Programme which is currently used in the UK. Further information about the National Child Measurement Programme can be found on the NHS website via: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/national-child-measurement-programme.
As part of the developmental screenings, the School Nurse Service will measure your child’s:
- Height and weight (BMI calculated for Reception, Year 6 and Year 9)
- Vision Acuity test (Reception, Year 6 and Year 9)
- Colour Vision test (Year 6 only)
- Hearing Test (Reception and Year 6 only)
- A general health catch up (Year 9 only).
Following the screening, all parents will receive a letter, which will outline results and any concerns found.
Height and weight measurements are used to calculate weight status. This information is collected to understand how many children are overweight, a healthy weight or underweight on the Island. This information also allows the School Nurse Service to provide vital services and support to the children, young people and their families, who wish to lead a healthier lifestyle.
All data collected is used for improving health, care and services through research and planning.
All information is treated confidentially and held securely. No individual measurements will be given to school staff or other children.
The checks are carried out by registered School Nurses or trained health care providers. Children are measured fully clothed, except for their coats and shoes, in a private space away from other pupils.
Changes to Service
The introduction of the SHCSP means that every child and young person on the Island will no longer be screened yearly. All children who the Service has previously been concerned about will have already received dietary and lifestyle advice from the Service.
In addition, the School Nurse Service has made referrals to specialist services, such as the general practitioners, who will follow up with children accordingly.
The School Nurse Service also offers tier-one dietary and lifestyle advice, in addition to their Healthy Habits Programme. The six-week Healthy Habits Programme targets all children, young people and their families, who would like to gain advice and support with weight management and improving families’ overall health and wellbeing. Activities are also included in the programme such as cooking sessions, swimming sessions, dance fit and much more. Should you like further information about the programme, please contact the School Nurse Service to register your interest.
All children who are under Children’s Social Care will still receive regular reviews and input from the School Nurse Service.
Please be advised that if parents are concerned about their child’s weight, they can still self-refer to the service for weight management support.
Should you require any further information about this change, please contact the School Nurse Service at the General Hospital, Jamestown, on tel: 22500 or via email: Nikesha.Price@sainthelena.gov.sh or Cheryl.Bedwell@sainthelena.gov.sh.
17 May 2021