6 January 2021
- The Social & Community Development Committee met on Wednesday, 9 December 2020
- A number of increases to fees were agreed in line with the 2.6% inflation
- Other discussions included the Equality & Human Rights Commission half-yearly report and Career Access St Helena
The Social & Community Development Committee (SCDC) monthly meeting took place on Wednesday, 9 December 2020.
Members agreed the increase in the Archives Research fees in line with inflation (2.6%) as follows:
- Non-residents – an increase of £1.15 from £43.60 to £44.75 plus an increase of 55p on the additional hours (beyond two hours) for research undertaken from £21.75 to £22.30.
- Residents – an increase of 50p from £19.75 to £20.25 plus an increase of 10p on the additional hours (in excess of seven hours) for research undertaken from £3.35 to £3.45.
By majority vote, the Committee did not support the increase in the Gaming Machines fees at this time due to the current downturn in the business and economic environment.
The Committee agreed proposed increases in the Liquor fees in line with inflation as follows:
- For the grant, renewal, removal or transfer of a licence per application – from £16.10 to £16.50 (increase of 40p).
- Application for special order of exemption – from £10.80 plus £5.20 for each occasion to £11.10 plus £5.20 for each occasion (increase of 30p).
- For issue of a Community Centre Licence – from £48.35 to £49.60 (increase of £1.25)
- For issue of a Liquor Sales Licence – from £107.50 to £110.30 (increase of £2.80).
- For issue of an occasional liquor licence – from £10.75 to £11.00 (increase of 25p).
- For issue of any other licence, including liquor sales, tavern, hotel, restaurant, club – from £134.10 to £137.55 (increase of £3.45).
The Committee agreed to recommend to Executive Councilincreases from 1 April 2021in the Charities fees in line with inflation as follows:
- Inspection of Register of Charities – from £1.08 to £1.10 (increase of 2p).
- Registration of a Charity – from £10.75 to £11.00 (increase of 25p).
An Archives Lending Policy was agreed which will enable items from the Archives collections to be loaned for on-Island exhibitions, subject to various conditions being met by the borrower. This recommendation will go forward to Executive Council for approval.
The Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) half-yearly report was discussed. A meeting will now be arranged with the Attorney General’s Chambers, the CEO of the EHRC, and the Director of Children and Adult Social Care to discuss private sector issues in terms of equality and the need for overarching legislation. Clarity is also sought in relation to the Constitution and its application to the private sector.
Under Matters Arising from previous Minutes it was agreed to take forward with Elected Members the possibility for the proposed Career Access St Helena (CASH) to help with the role of enforcing the Employment law when it comes to sick pay, annual leave, and having contracts in place.
#StHelena #SCDC #MeetingSummary
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6 January 2021