6 January 2021
Following the arrival of the repatriation flight, due Monday, 11 January 2021, the majority of arrivals to St Helena will go into home quarantine for a period of 14 days at a property pre-approved by a Proper Officer.
A Roaming Security Team (RST) will be in place to monitor compliance with quarantine rules and regulations through a 24hr roaming security service.
This RST will commence security duties following the arrival of next week’s flight.
The roaming security remit is as follows:
- Security officers will visit and observe each quarantined property from outside of the properties marked boundary. During visits they will check, either visually or via phone call, whether those persons in home quarantine are complying with quarantine rules. These checks will be done at random times throughout the day.
- Security officers will make a call to every home under quarantine at least once a day to ascertain all are well and are abiding with quarantine regulations. The Health Directorate will also continue to do regular health checks.
- If, at any time, the RST believes there has been a breach of quarantine they will contact St Helena Police immediately. Security officers will not attempt to restrain or make physical contact with any persons in breach of quarantine. The RST will liaise with Health officials and the Police throughout the entire period of quarantine.
- The RST officers will provide 24hr security detail for the entire period of quarantine, including any extension to a quarantine period for individuals as instructed by a Proper Officer
While the RST will operate on a 24hr basis, the community are still asked to report any concerns or suspicions of a potential breach of quarantine to St Helena Police.
Further details on the successful contractor to operate the roaming security will be given through an IEG Radio Update this week (listen out for this on local radio stations).
#StHelena #HomeQuarantine #RoamingSecurity
6 January 2021