9 March 2021
Following receipt of revised Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme documentation to support the development application for the Trade Wind Ocean Village Development, Horse Pasture, Thompsons Hill, the Planning Department is now seeking the views of the public through a consultation on the proposed development with the revised supporting documents.
The proposal is to build 150 high-end residential homes, together with tennis court, swimming pool, eight acres of public country park/picnic/camping area and associated hiking trail, as well as a log-type adventure children’s playground and associated public car park.
Two Public Consultation Meetings will be held as follows:
Venue | Time | Date |
Jamestown Community Centre | 7pm | Tuesday, 23 March |
Kinghurst Community Centre | 7pm | Wednesday, 24 March |
The aim of the Public Consultation Meetings is to give the wider community the opportunity to view the details of the proposal and the supporting information and to let the Planning Officer know of your concerns and/or support for the proposal which will be incorporated into the Officer’s report for the consideration of the Land Development Control Authority.
Before the submission of the development application, the applicants – Saint Helena Development Limited-organised pre-application consultation meetings during January 2020 where members of the public had the opportunity see the draft proposals and put forward their views. The views expressed at these meetings have been incorporated into the design proposal.
To enable the wider community to express their views on the proposed development following the Public Consultation Meetings, the closing date for consultation will be 4pm on Friday, 9 April 2021.
9 March 2021