29 July 2021
An Airlink medical repatriation flight is being planned to operate from Johannesburg to St Helena on Thursday, 5August 2021, and return to Johannesburg the same day*. The purpose of the inbound flight is to repatriate those Saints who had previously travelled to South Africa via the ‘Medevac’ flights.
Given the very tight timescale of planning for this flight, St Helena Government (SHG) would like to gauge any demand from ‘commercial’ passengers who, despite the short notice, may wish to book a seat on this flight – either to travel to St Helena or to return to Johannesburg.
As this will be an SHG Health Services Directorate repatriation flight, any person who may wish to enquire about this flight should contact the SHG Civil Aviation team on +(290) 22721 or email: mark.souter@sainthelena.gov.sh or tessa.roberts@sainthelena.gov.sh by midday on Tuesday, 3 August 2021.
Please only contact the SHG Civil Aviation team if you are interested in travelling on this one-off Airlink flight being planned for 5 August.
All other flight queries relating to existing or new bookings on the Titan Airways charter flights should be directed to the Solomons travel team via: flight.reservations@solomons.co.sh, telephone (+290) 22523 or visit in person at the Shipping & Travel Department, the Malabar, Jamestown, between the hours of 8am and 3pm, Mondays to Fridays.
*Days of operation subject to weather conditions at St Helena Airport.
#StHelena #Airlink #RepatriationFlight
29 July 2021