10 August 2021
Members of the public have raised concerns in relation to the Longwood Gate intersection which serves as a road junction linking four areas – Longwood, Fisher’s Valley, Deadwood and Hutt’s Gate.
In light of the issues raised, St Helena Police, working with the Highways Authority and the Roads Section, have put together the following information regarding general traffic accommodation in this area.
The roads towards the Longwood Gate intersection are at awkward angles, they are generally very narrow and the sight distances are short. Caution must be used when approaching the intersection. The right-of-way road is the road linking Hutt’s Gate and Deadwood, with Longwood and Fisher’s Valley road traffic having to stop at the intersection.
When approaching from Hutt’s Gate:
- Hutt’s Gate to Deadwood – Approach Longwood Gate intersection with caution, when safe proceed to Deadwood
- Hutt’s Gate to Longwood – Approach Longwood Gate intersection with caution, indicate your intention to turn right using your indicators. Yield to any traffic coming from Deadwood. Check roadside mirror for any traffic from Longwood, when safe turn into Longwood Gate and proceed to Longwood
- Hutt’s Gate to Fisher’s Valley – Approach Longwood Gate intersection with caution, indicate your intention to turn right using your indicators. Yield to any traffic coming from Deadwood. Check roadside mirror for any traffic from Longwood, check for any traffic coming from Fisher’s Valley, when safe turn into Fisher’s Valley road and proceed to Fisher’s Valley.
When approaching from Deadwood:
- Deadwood to Hutt’s Gate – Approach Longwood Gate intersection with caution, check mirror for traffic from Longwood, when safe proceed to Hutt’s Gate
- Deadwood to Longwood – Approach Longwood Gate intersection with caution, indicate your intention to turn left using your indicators. Check roadside mirror for any traffic from Longwood, when safe turn into Longwood Gate and proceed to Longwood
- Deadwood to Fisher’s Valley – Approach Longwood Gate intersection with caution, indicate your intention to go left or right using your indicators. Check roadside mirror for any traffic from Longwood, check for any traffic coming from Fisher’s Valley, when safe turn into Fisher’s Valley road and proceed to Fisher’s Valley.
When approaching from Longwood:
- Stop at Longwood Gate junction, indicate your intention to turn left or right using your indicators, yield to all traffic. When safe proceed.
When approaching from Fisher’s Valley:
- Stop at junction with main road, indicate your intention to turn left or right using your indicators, yield to all traffic. When safe proceed.

#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #HighwaysAuthority #AltogetherSafer
10 August 2021