Education and Employment Committee Meeting Summary


The monthly meeting of the Education and Employment Committee took place on Wednesday, 17 February 2021.

The Senior Economist addressed the Committee in relation to Human Rights and the minimum wage, explaining the relevant changes in approach and process for determining the minimum wage on St Helena. She included various factors for consideration such as standard inflationary increases as well as strategic policies inclusive of the Labour Market Strategy and the Immigration Policy. Discussion with Committee members regarding this item included the impact on private sector in the current economic climate, various financial implications and the importance of the final policy having the flexibility to adapt to, and reflect, current and future fiscal climates.

The Director provided an update on current progress in relation to changes of the Directorate Charging Policy with a view to present to Committee for approval at the next meeting.

The Career Access and Economic Policy Assistant delivered a presentation on Career Access St Helena (CASH) to Committee members. The presentation included the role of CASH, its operation, services offered, logistics involved including digital access, relevant templates, current progress and provision for returning St Helenians. The presentation generated some discussion pertaining to operations, financial implications, terminology and integration with current services provided.

#StHelena #Education&EmploymentCommittee #MeetingSummary / 

8 March 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470