Economic Development Committee Meeting Summary – Thursday 22 April 2021

The monthly meeting of the Economic Development Committee (EDC) took place on Thursday, 22 April 2021.

The new Investment Coordinator, Melissa Fowler, who joined the Sustainable Development Team at the beginning of April was introduced to the Committee. Melissa will be the first point of contact for investors, supporting investors who wish to apply for the Approved Investment Scheme or apply to purchase St Helena Government’s (SHG) Strategic Assets as identified in the Investor Prospectus.

The Senior Economist provided an update on the Labour Market Strategy, indicating that a number of programmatic targets were accomplished during the first year of the Strategy’s implementation. The full year-end progress report can be found on the Public Information, Reports and Policies page of the SHG website via: In addition to progress during 2020, recruitment for the Career Access St Helena (CASH) Manager has recently been completed. Members noted the importance of communicating with the public when CASH is launched and available to provide services. The next progress report covering accomplishments for the first half of 2021 will be completed later this year and reviewed by the Education & Employment Committee.

The Head of Infrastructure presented a draft Private Sector Competition Policy for discussion. The aim of the Policy is to continue to support and encourage private sector development and expansion through opening up some services that are currently delivered by SHG, to the private sector. Members gave views on aspects of the draft which will be reconsidered and amended before the Policy comes back to the Committee for endorsement.

#StHelena #EDC #AltogetherWealthier


28 April 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470