25 November 2021
The Infrastructure Section of the Treasury, Infrastructure & Sustainable Development Portfolio is pleased to advise the public that applications can now be made for funding for community and district roads.
Every successful application will receive a grant of up to £2,500 for raw materials and hire of a roller. Residents will be responsible for spreading the materials and carrying out the work.
A community road is one serving three to five occupied homes, a district road is one serving six or more occupied properties, and which may have previously received funding as a community road. Applications will be prioritised according to the number of houses served by the road, the number of vulnerable people as certified by a Medical Officer served by the road and the condition of the road. In addition community roads will also be based on the number of business served by the road.
Application forms can be collected from Essex House, Jamestown, and should be completed and returned by 12 noon on Friday, 17 December 2021. All applications received at that time will then be assessed, scored, and prioritised accordingly.
All previous unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to re-apply for a community or district road grant.
25 November 2021