25 June 2021
The Health Services Directorate would like to inform the public of the changes regarding venues and dates for the following clinics:
Medical Fitness clinics:
- Will take place at the Half Tree Hollow Clinic with effect from Thursday, 1 July. These clinics will be run on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 2-4pm
- Appointments for these clinics must still be booked through the Medical Records Office on tel: 22321
- Persons requiring medical fitness examination for overseas are required to pay the relevant fee at the time of booking and present the receipt to the nurses on the day of the medical examination. The examination will not be carried out if the receipt is not produced prior to the examination.
Child Wellness clinics:
- Will take place at the Half Tree Hollow Clinic on Tuesdays starting on Tuesday, 29June
- Appointments will continue to be arranged by the Children’s Nurse, Sarah Newman
- The Child Wellness clinics at Longwood and Jamestown will continue by appointment as arranged by the Children’s Nurse.
Nurse-led Clinic, Half Tree Hollow:
- Will take place on alternate Tuesdays with effect from Tuesday, 6 July. This means that for the month of July 2021 the Nurse-led Clinic will be on Tuesday, 6, and Tuesday, 20July, and for August on Tuesday, 3, 17, and 31 August
- Patients needing treatment (e.g. blood tests) are advised to come to the clinic on Mondays or Fridays of the week when there is no Nurse-led Clinic, or attend the following Tuesday
- The alternate Tuesday Nurse-led Clinic hours have been extended to 1pm to allow more patients to attend.
Workforce screening:
- This service commences on Tuesday, 13July, and on alternate Tuesdays thereafter (27July, etc)
- The nurses will, in agreement with employers, attend various work places on these days to measure staff’ blood pressure, pulse, weight, height and BMI. The nurses will also do brief interventions where indicated
- Employees are not obligated to take part in the screening which is on a voluntary basis, but it is hoped that as many people as possible will participate.
These changes have been made to streamline services, maximise resources and meet the needs of the community.
The public is invited to call the Half Tree Hollow Clinic or the Community Nursing Officer, Sophia Abrahams, on tel: 23563 if they need further clarification on any of these changes.
25 June 2021