2021 Population And Housing Census – Update And Next Steps

A Population and Housing Census was conducted on St Helena on 7 February 2021.

The Census is a complete count of all persons and dwellings on the Island, and those who live on St Helena but are temporarily away. It is the most important statistical exercise undertaken on the Island – forming the basis for policy-making, planning, and resource allocation for the years ahead.

The Statistics Office team would like to thank all those who completed their Census forms having received just under 2000 completed Household Questionnaires in total. The enumerators are also thanked for a job well done.

The Statistics Office are now busy doing checks on all the forms to ensure there are no gaps and/or missing information or major inaccuracies and will follow-up with individual respondents if necessary.

If anyone still has a form to be collected, or didn’t receive a form to complete, please contact the Statistics Office as soon as possible via tel: 22138. It is important that no one is missed: ‘we count everyone, because everyone counts’.

Next Steps

All of the information within the forms will be processed and then a series of checks will be run to make sure the data is accurate. Some questions will then receive codes (e.g. place of birth, educational attainment, and occupations) so that the information can be analysed.

The Statistics Office will aim to produce an initial report with preliminary key results in May/June this year, which will be followed by a more detailed report thereafter.

#StHelena #Statistics #PopulationAndHousingCensus2021 #NextSteps

26 February 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh