World Breastfeeding Week 2020

  • International Breastfeeding Week held between 1 and 7 August
  • St Helena Health Directorate celebrates the week with Breastfeeding Day at Anne’s Place
  • Mothers and Mothers-to-be found the event really useful and informative

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated each year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. The Health Directorate held a Breastfeeding Day at Anne’s Place on Wednesday, 5 August 2020. Midwives, Rosemary Mittens and Erika Bowers, hosted the event for new mothers and mothers-to-be to discuss breastfeeding and sharing their views and personal experience.

Midwife, Rosemary Mittens, gave an introductory speech, followed by various prize activities. Both Midwives shared their knowledge and advice and voiced the importance of breastfeeding to the nine enthusiastic mothers (eight mothers and one mother-to-be).

Rosemary, explained:

“Breastfeeding is very important as there are so many benefits for both the baby and the mother such as preventing breast, uterine and ovarian cancers and osteoporosis in the mothers and preventing obesity, diabetes, infections and allergies  Because of all the benefits it is very important on the Island, especially with the increased number of diabetes and obesity. There are no island breast feeding statistics at this present time but, I quote ‘Breastfeeding is increasing and has improved on St Helena’.”

Mother-to-be, Ricki Williams,commented:

“It was a very informative day. I learned a lot and look forward to what’s to come.”

Second time Mother, Cheryl Morice, added:

“The event was very helpful and it was good to meet other mums who are breastfeeding and just to share experiences about breastfeeding. It a wonderful thing for a mother to be able to do and I’m glad I’m able to do this with my daughter.”

Rosemary said:

“From today’s event we had a good turnout and everyone appeared to have enjoyed themselves.  The highlight for me was that everyone participated and could voice their experience of breastfeeding and in confidence while breastfeeding their babies during the event.”

The Midwives, concluded:

“We felt that the theme ‘support breastfeeding for a healthier planet’ was achieved and could come away from there feeling we, as midwives, are giving the support that is required for Breastfeeding and will continue to promote this, however challenging it is.”

Notes to Editor:

The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2020 is ‘Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet’. In line with this theme, theWorld Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are calling on governments to protect and promote women’s access to skilled breastfeeding counselling, a critical component of breastfeeding support.              

#StHelena #Health #WorldBreastfeedingWeek #AltogetherHealthier


6 August 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470