Commercial Sale of fish from unlicensed boats is an offence

Following the closure of the St Helena Fisheries Corporation on 31 January 2020, commercially licensed boats licensed under the Fish and Fish Products Ordinance are able to sell whole unprocessed fish directly from the boat or from the designated landing site to consumers for their own use.

Boats currently licensed to sell fish directly to the public are:

Boat No Boat name Boat Owner
44 Catfish Waylon Thomas
23 Helena-Dorothy Peter Benjamin
45 John Melliss Dorian Caswell
2 Norma Fernando Henry
68 Ocean Gypsy Julian Thomas
11 Ocean Queen Adrian Duncan
36 Ocean Wave Jeremy Clingham
4 Sailfish Jeffrey Beard
46 Sea Rider      Roy Beard
57 Yellowfin Ronald Caswell
85 Swordfish Richard & Michael Sim
47 Kristina Wayne Yon

The commercial sale of fish from boats that do not have the appropriate licences is not permitted and is liable to prosecution.

In the interest of Health & Safety, the public is reminded that fish should only be bought from the above licensed boats.

Members of the public are encouraged to report any incidents of fish being sold from unlicensed boats to the Competent Authority via the Environmental Health Office on tel: 22500.

Environmental Health will be making periodic spot checks on vessels/catches during offloads to ensure that Health & Safety standards are being maintained.

#StHelena #AltogetherHealthier


3 March 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470