Criminal Justice (Fixed Penalty Notice) Bill, 2019

The Social & Community Development Committee has been conducting Public Consultation Meetings on the new Criminal Justice (Fixed Penalty Notice) Bill, 2019.

This legislation will create a Fixed Penalty Notice regime. At present most offences are dealt with by way of a criminal prosecution or a police caution. Fixed Penalty Notices will provide for minor offences to be treated as civil penalties and can be used to avoid a criminal record for the offender.

The public is reminded of the following upcoming Public Consultation meetings:

Date Venue Time
Monday, 20 January Kingshurst Community Centre 7pm
Tuesday, 21 January Sandy Bay Community Centre 7pm
Wednesday, 22 January Harford Community Centre 7pm

Anyone wishing to make any comment on the new Criminal Justice (Fixed Penalty Notice) Bill, 2019 may do so in writing to the Secretary of the Social & Community Development Committee, Nicole Plato, at the Castle, Jamestown, or via email: by no later than Friday, 21 February 2020.

The draft legislation is available in hard copy at the Customer Service Centre and the Public Library in Jamestown and is also available on the SHG Website via the following link:

Social & Community Development Committee
17 January 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470