29 October 2020
Tyler Anthony of Pilling Primary School has won the competition to design a logo for the Island’s School Nurse Service.
The School Nurse Service launched the competition in mid-September and invited pupils from years 5 and 6 in Primary Schools and students from years 7 and 8 of Prince Andrew School to design a logo and slogan that will be used by the School Nurse Service for their posters, leaflets and T-shirts.
Tyler’s design was selected and is now the School Nurse logo. William Caswell (pictured left) of Prince Andrew School was also thanked for allowing the team to use his slogan ‘Healthy kids learn better’ from his entry as the School Nurse Service motto.
The School Nurse team commented:
“We would like to give a huge thank you to all of the young people who took part in the School Nurse logo competition. We had over 39 entries that were all amazing and really met the criteria that we were looking for. Each young person put their heart into designing an image that was unique, colourful and representative of St Helena, and the Island’s wonderful culture, with the School Nurse in mind. Due to the fact that we had so many entries, we had to take some additional time to choose our favourite and get some much needed help from our Health colleagues. We would also like to say thank you to all of the parents who supported their children with their entries, and thank you to the teachers for facilitating the time for the children to complete their logos in some lesson time.”
Certificates were also presented to all pupils and students who took part in the competition.
All of the entries are now on display in the Canister window.
#StHelena #Competition #SchoolNurses
29 October 2020