9 April 2020
Since advising all vulnerable people (elderly, pregnant women, people with underlying health concerns) to stay at home for 14 days from Tuesday, 31 March, we continue to receive a number of concerns around uncontrolled underlying health conditions and what they are.
We would like to clarify that persons with uncontrolled underlying health conditions are those who:
- Have been informed by your doctor/nurse prior to the advice given on 31 March that your underlying health condition such as asthma or diabetes, is not controlled
- Have been admitted frequently to the Hospital within the last six months because of worsening in your underlying condition
- Have been prescribed multiple medications to control your chronic condition
- Have not been taking your medication as prescribed for your chronic condition
- Have had to seek medical advice due to complications of your underlying condition.
We are also advising those people with multiple underlying health conditions for example diabetes associated with other chronic conditions like heart disease to also stay at home during this time.
If you are working in the private sector and you have an underlying health condition that falls into the above categories you should speak to your employer about allowing you to stay at home as per the guidance issued by SHG. If you work for SHG you should speak to your manager and follow the employee guidance issued by Corporate HR. Employers and businesses are encouraged to work with their employees during this time and employers and businesses can submit an application for business support if needed.
Any business with an employee who is advised by SHG as part of the enhanced social distancing measures to stay at home due to vulnerability is eligible for a one-time payment of £325 per full-time employee, provided the period is not counted against the employee’s sick leave and the employee is compensated at their usual rate for the period they stay at home.
Sole proprietors who meet these conditions will also be eligible for a one-time payment of £325 if they can demonstrate that they are unable to work as a result of being advised to stay at home as per the enhanced social distancing measures.
Businesses or employers with employees who voluntarily stay at home and are not considered part of a vulnerable population will not be eligible for the support payment.
Further guidance and application forms are available on the SHG website via:
https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/government/public-information/ under the support for local businesses affected by COVID-19 section.
Alternatively forms can be collected from and submitted to Alan Bennett at the Post and Customer Services Centre or via email: alan.bennett@sainthelena.gov.sh. Queries around support for local businesses affected by COVID-19 should also be directed to Alan via the above email address or on tel: 22008.
9 April 2020