Temporary Reduction In Outpatient Appointments

The following is a Public Announcement from the Health Directorate:

The Health Directorate apologises to the public that, with just four doctors on-Island the number of outpatient appointments available has been temporarily reduced. Unfortunately, over the last two weeks some of the scheduled outpatient clinics had to be postponed due to emergency operating theatre cases arising. The Directorate regrets this inconvenience to the public and wish to thank them for their understanding of the situation.

The situation will improve with the arrival this weekend of a locum doctor (GP) and the return of one GP from overseas leave in the next two weeks. The Health Directorate does not expect to have the medical doctor staff numbers at full capacity until mid-April, at which time the Orthopaedic Surgeon will have also returned from overseas leave and a newly recruited Doctor will have arrived to take up their post.

28 February 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh