Management of Island water situation moves back to Connect Saint Helena Ltd

With the stored water volume on-Island now at 74% and surface flows increasing, the management of the current water situation has moved back to the control of Connect Saint Helena Ltd.

Since a water shortage on St Helena was declared in May 2019 and Island-wide restrictions imposed in June that year, the water situation was managed by the St Helena Resilience Forum (SHRF), particularly the Drought Management and Warning & Informing subgroups. These groups have now been stood down by the Chair of the SHRF, the Chief of Police.

A debrief with both groups was held earlier this week and members were able to discuss what had worked well, areas for improvement, lessons learnt and next steps. 

St Helena Government’s Drought Management Plan and draft Water Resources Media Strategy will now be amended to reflect lessons learnt and finalised for use should this incident reoccur in the future. These documents will be made available to the public.

The St Helena Resilience Forum recognises that this has been a challenging period for the Island and would like to thank everyone for their support in adhering to the advice given and for overall reducing their water consumption to ensure the Island’s water stocks were maintained.

#StHelena #EveryDropCounts  

St Helena Resilience Forum
6 May 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470