19 August 2020
Further to the press release issued on 14 August relating to airfreight arrangements for the four upcoming charter flights between the United Kingdom (UK) and St Helena, additional information is now available regarding airfreight from St Helena to the UK.
The extraordinary circumstances in the aviation industry at this time brought about by Brexit and COVID-19 mean that exemptions are required for airfreight entering the UK. It is important to note that this requirement applies only to airfreight on the St Helena to UK sector of the charter flights; airfreight from the UK to St Helena does not have to follow this procedure.
St Helena Government (SHG) has obtained exemptions in the past in order to facilitate carriage of mail and other essential items from St Helena to the UK. This can be an onerous process.
If any member of the public or private sector wishes to send airfreight to the UK on the charter flights, SHG and Titan Airways will offer support in applying for the necessary exemptions. However, please be advised that it cannot be guaranteed that exemptions will be in place for airfreight to be carried on the September flight.
As an alternative, please consider whether the items you wish to airfreight to the UK could be sent via mail in packages of up to two kilogrammes (2kg) which may be a more timely and cost effective solution.
If there remains a requirement to send airfreight from St Helena to the UK, please register your interest with the SHG Airport Directorate by contacting: tessa.roberts@sainthelena.gov.sh or calling +(290) 22721.
#StHelena #CharterFlight
19 August 2020