Free Dot sh (.Sh) Web Address Available For Island Residents

Dot sh (.sh)

Dot sh (.sh) is the official country code top level domain (cc TLD) for St Helena, with over 11,000 domain names registered. A domain name is the destination that you type into a web browser to visit a website, for example to visit the St Helena Government website you would type into your browser

St Helena Government, through our management company, Afilias, via the website, can register domain names using the ending ‘.sh’. Whilst registering a domain name usually costs an annual fee, any St Helena resident, company or organisation registering a .sh domain can do so for free.

Web addresses ending in,,, or are available for free registration by all St Helena residents, organisations or companies. is exclusively available for government entities and is available at no charge for educational institutions based on St Helena.

If you would like to register a domain name, please find out more using the following link:

#StHelena #DigitalStrategy #SEDP


7 April 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470