26 March 2020
A formal meeting of Legislative Council will take place tomorrow, Friday 27 March 2020, at 10am in the Council Chamber. This is the first sitting of the fifteenth meeting of Legislative Council and will be broadcast live via SAMS Radio 1. The meeting is also open to members of the public who wish to attend.
The Order Paper includes seven Sessional Papers. There will also be four Motions relating to the Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2020, the Criminal Justice (Fixed Penalties) Bill, 2020, the Consumer Protection (Control of Sales During Limited Supply) Bill, 2020, and a request from the Financial Secretary in accordance with and subject to Section 102 of the Constitution, for the House to authorise the withdrawal of moneys from the Consolidated Fund in order to meet expenditure necessary to continue the services or projects of SHG in the financial year, commencing on 1 April 2020.
A copy of the Order Paper, which also includes six Questions and their written responses, will shortly be available on the SHG Website at: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/government/legislative-council/order-papers/
#StHelena #LegislativeCouncil #FormalLegCo #OrderPaper
26 March 2020