8 October 2020
The annual pre-JMC meeting was hosted virtually for the first time on Tuesday, 6 October 2020. Chaired by Councillor Derek Thomas, the meeting allowed nine other Overseas Territories to discuss pertinent matters that the Territories would like to see included on the agenda for the Joint Ministerial Conference which is scheduled to take place at the end of November 2020. These potential agenda items which include matters such as impacts of COVID-19, protection of vulnerable groups, post- Brexit contingency planning and environmental protection and climate change, will now be forwarded to Minister Baroness Suggs for consideration. The JMC will also take the form of a virtual meeting.
In reflecting on the first virtual pre-JMC, Councillor Thomas said
“I was extremely pleased with the meeting. The Overseas Territories who took part were able to discuss important matters relevant to us, such as COVID -19, Economic Development and Climate Change. It is hoped that these will form some of the agenda items for discussion for the JMC next month. I express thanks to all involved with what was a successful meeting.”
Pre-JMC meetings have in the past been convened either in London or in one of the Overseas Territories with the JMC itself, being hosted in London. On most occasions, St Helena’s interests have been represented by SHG UK Representative Mrs Kedell Worboys MBE at pre-JMC meetings with one or two Executive Council Members attending the annual JMC meeting in London.
The JMC provides opportunity for Leaders from Overseas Territories to meet with UK Ministers to raise matters of common interest, share experiences and to seek continued support from HMG.
SHG extends thanks to our SHG UK Representative who is also the Chair of the UK Overseas Territories Association, for arranging and managing the virtual meeting. Thanks are also extended to the SHG IT Team for their technical support.
#StHelena #Pre-JMC
8 October 2020