9 September 2020
- First Meeting of Finance Committee held on 26 August
- Terms of Reference for the Committee, Budget Execution Report, and Public Services Provisions Policy discussed on the Open Agenda
The first meeting of the Finance Committee took place on Wednesday, 26 August 2020, following the Council Committee (Rules of Procedure) (Amendment) Order made on 18 June 2020.
The first Open Agenda item focussed on the draft Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee and the need to agree which areas of responsibility may need to transfer from the Economic Development Committee (EDC) to the Finance Committee, which would enable the EDC to focus on key strategic issues. This will be given consideration with a view to further discussion being held at the September meeting of the Finance Committee.
Deputy Financial Secretary, Nicholas Yon, presented the Budget Execution Report for July 2020, explaining that the current financial projections to year ending 31 March 2021 indicated an overspend of just over £1,000. He emphasised that this projection was likely to change throughout the year. A projected overspend for the year in areas of Social Care Services and Benefits was expected due to an increase in the demand for Care Services, as well as the current level of unemployment and Basic Island Pension recipients.
The agenda item relating to Dark Skies and associated amendment to the Customs Regulations was deferred, pending the approval of a proposed amendment to the Environmental Protection Ordinance, 2016.
The final Open Agenda item concerned a Public Service Provisions Policy. St Helena Government (SHG) provides funding to a number of organisations in the community that deliver critical services that cannot, and should not, be provided by SHG. These organisations include those that are established under law and their responsibilities and activities dictated by law. These are considered to be Public Service Provisions (PSPs) and include services such as the Public Solicitor’s Office, the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Legal Assistance Fund. This Policy aims to set out the intentions of SHG regarding funding for PSPs to support them in delivering their statutory objectives. It is intended that this Policy will set the framework for governance arrangements, outline the intentions and aims of SHG in providing funding to PSPs, and provide the mechanism by which the funding is approved and administered. The Committee endorsed the Policy.
#StHelena #FinanceCommittee #MeetingSummary
9 September 2020