29 October 2020
- SHG has entered into a contract with Henry’s Contractors for the Exploratory Boreholes and Groundwater Drilling Project
- The exploratory drilling is estimated to take approximately two weeks
- The first task is to carry out a drilling test to assess the performance of the 310WW Trailer Drill Rig
Following an open procurement exercise conducted in October 2020, St Helena Government (SHG) has entered into a contract with Henry’s Contractors owned by Mr Barry Henry, of Red Hill, Levelwood, for the Exploratory Boreholes and Groundwater Drilling Project, to be carried out at the Ring Road, Francis Plain.
The exploratory drilling is estimated to take approximately two weeks, however, the first task is to carry out a drilling test to assess the performance of the 310WW Trailer Drill Rig provided by Connect Saint Helena Ltd (CSH) for the Project. Once the test drilling has been successfully completed, the main exploratory drilling will go ahead as planned under the supervision of Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) Consultant, Alan Hudson.
The Project, which was prioritised by Executive Council earlier this year, is co-funded by EDIP and CSH.
The public is advised that the Ring Road at Francis Plain will be closed during these works.
Members of the public will be kept informed of progress.
#StHelena #EDIP #CSH #ExploratoryDrilling
29 October 2020