13 August 2020
Message from the St Helena Police Service
St Helena Police continues to work towards ensuring the safety of road users, with officers raising awareness and educating drivers around the issue of drink-driving, during Week Four of our ‘Booze It, You Lose It’ Drink-drive Awareness Campaign.
One person was arrested for failing to stop, driving whilst over the prescribed limit, and in addition, permitting a person to drive a vehicle without insurance – these matters are still being investigated.
One person is being investigated for driving a motor vehicle without insurance.
38 vehicles across the Island were stopped during Week Four, the majority had vehicle defects which resulted in most people having to fix them before the next hour of darkness or being given 14 days to rectify the defects.
Out of the 38 vehicles stopped, two drivers had expired road licences, and one did not have any insurance – these matters are being investigated.
While officers have been on patrol in Jamestown during the weekend, it was apparent that people are becoming more aware of the dangers of drink-driving. It has been observed that the public transport buses as well as taxis are being used more frequently and it is hoped these actions will continue after the Campaign has concluded.
Once again, St Helena Police would like to advise the public that it is important to ensure that your driver’s licence and road licences are up-to-date, as well as your insurance. Although this is a drink-driving campaign, offences such as these will also be dealt with should it come to our attention.
The penalties for such offences are as follows:
- No motor vehicle insurance – a fine of £1,500 or imprisonment for six months, or both. A person convicted of this offence may be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for a period that is determined by the court
- No driver’s licence and/or motor vehicle licence – on first conviction a fine of £100, on second or subsequent conviction a fine of £300, or to imprisonment for six months, or to both.
Until next week, respect the law of the road and help us to keep you safe – don’t drink and drive!
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #BoozeItYouLoseIt #DrinkDriveCampaign
13 August 2020