Road Closure – New Ground to Sunny Side Junction

The following is a public announcement from the Roads Section:

The Roads Section would like to advise the public that the road from Mr Nigel Dollery’s residence, New Ground, to Sunny Side Junction will be closed from 9am to 3pm on weekdays between Monday, 23 September, and Friday, 4 October 2019. This closure is to allow the Roads Section to repair the retaining wall near Mr Joe Terry’s residence in Young’s Valley. 

During this closure, only residents in the affected area and Emergency Services will be granted access. Appropriate signage will be in place. The diversion route for this closure will be via Sunny Side Road or Sapper Way.

The Roads Section would like to thank the public in advance for their continued understanding and cooperation.


17 September 2019




St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470