The monthly meetings of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) and the Highways Authority took place on Thursday, 17 January 2019.

At the ENRC meeting, the Deputy Chairperson reported that there are several outstanding issues in relation to finalising the Jamestown Parking Scheme. The technical survey of the parks in Jamestown is still to be completed so that the Working Group can identify areas where vehicles can safely park. Due to a poor response to the parking survey from commercial operators, it was proposed that a letter be sent from the Committee to all businesses that did not respond. The letter would inform these businesses that if they are not able to provide the relevant information in a given timeframe then they would not be considered when the proposed parking scheme is rolled out.

The policy on waste management and the issue to charge various fees for certain items (e.g. hazardous materials and bulky waste) disposed of at the Horse Point Landfill Site (HPLS) was discussed. Members agreed that although this policy objective would extend the life of HPLS by encouraging recycling of waste, the matter should be tabled at a later date.

The Senior Transport Manager discussed the policy on the hire of SHG plant and equipment. This policy will enable the public to hire SHG plant and equipment that is not readily available or supported through the private sector. However, plant and equipment can only be hired where the applicant can provide information that private businesses cannot support their request. The policy was approved and will be effective from 1 April 2019.

At the Highways Authority meeting, concerns were raised over the misuse of the designated disabled persons parking bays in Jamestown. Some drivers are currently parking in these bays, restricting access to disabled permit holders. Police reported that they are raising awareness of this issue through Social Media and that there will also be publicity via the SHG Press Office and local media to reach a wider audience.

A request was received via the ‘Report It, Sort It’ initiative for a ‘SLOW’ sign to be erected by the bus stop near the Half Tree Hollow (HTH) Salvation Army Hall. This is to warn drivers of children getting off the school bus on this side of the road and crossing over to the opposite side near the HTH Clinic. Members agreed for two ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ signs to be placed in the area.

A member had been approached by residents of Sandy Bay and Blue Hill regarding the ‘Give Way’ sign at Bates Branch, which they felt was on the wrong side of the road. The sign had been placed in its current location in the interest of road safety, however it was recognised that the sign can be confusing to visitors, and a decision was made to move it to a position which will be beneficial to all parties.

#StHelena #ENRC #HighwaysAuthority #MeetingSummary



23 January 2019

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