1 March 2019
The monthly meeting of the Education Committee took place on Wednesday, 20 February 2019.
Prince Andrew School’s (PAS) Advisory Maths Teacher, Derek Bower, and English Teacher, Julia Cave-Smith, were invited to share with the Committee feedback and input on their experience in PAS thus far. Both teachers expressed their enthusiasm for teaching, with compliments to PAS Head Teacher, Penelope Bowers, for her management style, and to staff for their personable and intuitive approach to teaching.
Julia reiterated the importance of reading and literacy, emphasising on parental support and engagement in this area. Similarly, Derek noted that students would benefit greatly by practicing Maths more frequently.
The Committee was asked to consider for approval two new policies for PAS – ‘Administering Medicines Policy’ and ‘Pupil Illness Policy’. These policies stipulate the processes and procedures staff must follow when dealing with sick children in school. The Pupil Illness Policy was approved in principle but Committee members felt they needed further guidance before they could approve the Administering Medicines Policy.
A Primary IT Policy and Scheme of Work was tabled but deferred to the next meeting. This policy establishes how IT is taught at primary level and gives guidance on the level of skills to be taught to different year groups.
A briefing was given on the progress made in relation to the St Helena Research Institute and it was noted that, whilst it was hoped that the St Helena Research Institute could be launched during the Environmental Conference in March 2019, this cannot take place due to the work that still has to be developed and approved to ensure the Research Institute and Council can legally operate. The Research Institute will however be promoted during the Conference.
#StHelena #EducationCommittee #MeetingSummary
1 March 2019