11 September 2019
St Helena’s water consumption levels on 3, 5, 6 and 7 September were less than 1000 cubic metres – the consumption rate required to sustain a safe level of stored water on the Island. All residents are praised for their efforts in reducing their water usage.
Despite some recent rainfall, the surface water runoff has not increased which means that very little or no surface water is entering the Island’s reservoirs. Isolated showers are forecast for the coming days, but this will not be enough to see the desired effects on the reservoir levels. At least two weeks of continuous meaningful rainfall is needed to make a positive difference in reservoir levels.
The raw water catchment at Osbornes in St Paul’s is completely dry and there has not been any surface runoff in this area since March 2019. This water catchment is one of the main sources of surface water for the Red Hill reservoirs, producing around 90 cubic metres per day. Osbornes has been known to produce water all year round, including during the summer period, but is now completely depleted.
Although there is water present in the Harpers 2 (H2) Earth Dam (see photos below), H2 is still classified as empty as the current water volume (dead storage) is under the outlet pipe.
Connect Saint Helena (CSH) continues to pump water from Chubb’s Spring and Hutt’s Gate to Red Hill to replenish stocks in this area.
With the St Helena Summer and peak season for visitors just around the corner it is important that we continue to cut down our water usage to essential use only.
Remember, if you see anyone using water irresponsibly or notice a burst pipe or leak, then please inform CSH immediately.
Every drop counts, every action counts – save water now to be safe later.
#StHelena #WaterShortage #EveryDropCounts
St Helena Resilience Forum
11 September 2019