22 January 2019
The Social & Community Development Committee (SCDC) held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, 9 January 2019.
Consultation on the proposed Information Bill will remain on hold as the Crown Counsel (Civil), Andrew Radley, reported that discussions with the FCO legal counsel were still in progress concerning the implications on all Overseas Territories’ of General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
Recently appointed Principal Social Worker, Rosalie Brown, had an introductory meeting with the Committee. The Principal Social Worker is a key member of the Safeguarding Directorate’s team. They work closely with the Adult Services Team Manager to lead social work practice with vulnerable adults, people living in residential care and people in the community with social care needs.
Increases in Fees & Charges were agreed. Non-statutory revised Archives Research Fees will be announced administratively. Increases requiring changes to the law, e.g. Registration of a charity and inspection of the Register, Gaming Machine Licences and Liquor Licence Fees will now require Executive Council to approve new Regulations.
A ‘Good Food & Drinks’ promotion initiative, presented on behalf of Safeguarding, by Quality Assurance & Policy Officer, Gavin Thomas, was supported. A key strategy is to adjust the food environment within the Directorate to provide attractive healthy choices.
Updates from the Safeguarding Directorate included:
- Residents and tenants of the CCC, Ebony View, Deason’s Centre and Cape Villa enjoyed a full programme of events over the festive period with the community as always incredibly generous with their time. Committee expressed their thanks
- Staffing difficulties continue across the directorate but is being addressed by way of local recruitment campaigns and exploring options for overseas carers
- Trainers from the UK National Autistic Society will be on-Island from 12 January to 2 February. A further three-week visit is planned for March
- The new substantive Director of Safeguarding, Tracey Poole-Nandy, will arrive on-Island on 2 February
- A full time Trainee Manager for the Sheltered Accommodation has been appointed
The SCDC comprises of voting members Councillors Anthony Green (Chairman), Cyril Leo (Deputy Chairman), Kylie Hercules, Derek Thomas and Gavin Ellick. Both Councillors Derek Thomas and Gavin Ellick were absent from this meeting. Non-voting members are the Director of Safeguarding and the Government Economist, the latter of which was on overseas leave. The Committee Secretary is Nicole Plato.
#StHelena Social&CommunityDevelopment #SCDC #AllTogetherSafer #AllTogetherHealthier
22 January 2019