24 September 2019
As part of wider objectives to be more open and transparent, at the last meeting of the Land Development Control Authority (LDCA) the decision was taken that, in addition to open meeting agendas and minutes, reports on all development applications will also be available online for the public to review five days prior to each meeting being held.
The meetings of the LDCA are held on the first Wednesday of each month and the agenda and reports will be available on the new Land Development and Control Authority Page of the SHG website by close of business on the Friday before the meeting. The next meeting of the Land Development Control Authority is on Wednesday, 2 October, and documentation for this meeting will be published online by mid-afternoon on Friday, 27 September 2019.
LDCA Board Members said:
“We have been very keen for some time in making our meeting and decision making more open and transparent and we are now very pleased that we will make all reports on the development applications available for the public to review in advance of the future meeting.
“This is a big step forward for openness and transparency in decision making on future development proposals on the Island. We know that Planning Officers are under considerable pressure already to meet the tight deadlines for reports for these monthly meetings but we are sure that they will continue to meet the challenge to ensure that we make the reports available so that the public is better informed in how development proposals are reported.”
In future, all Development Applications received by the Planning and Building Control Service will also be published on the LDCA webpage each Friday afternoon. The Service will continue to publish these in the local newspapers as well as via site notices that are erected on and close to the development application sites.
#StHelena #LDCA #PlanningandBuildingControl
24 September 2019