Governor Rushbrook Returns From Ascension Visit

His Excellency Governor Dr. Philip Rushbrook has now returned to St Helena following his first visit to Ascension Island since his appointment as Governor in May 2019.

The Governor arrived to Ascension on Monday, 8 July, and enjoyed a full programme of events, meeting many of the Ascension Island community, before departing for St Helena on Sunday, 14 July 2019.

As well as hosting a Town Hall Meeting and drinks reception for members of the public, Governor Rushbrook met with heads of employing organisations on-Island, the Ascension Island Council, representatives of voluntary organisations, and attended a meeting of the Safeguarding Children Board.

The Governor gained a better understanding of some of the practical challenges faced in operating services on Ascension and how these are tackled, as well as plans for the future, during a critical infrastructure tour.

He also attended the Two Boats School End of Year Awards Ceremony, where he made several presentations.

Towards the end of the visit, Governor Rushbrook got to observe some of the natural and manmade heritage that Ascension Island offers during a trip on the Queen Atlantis boat. He also found time to complete one of the Island’s letterbox walks.

HE the Governor said:

“I was delighted to be able to visit Ascension so early in my tenure as Governor. I was impressed with the resilience demonstrated by the population there in the face of the ongoing suspension of the airbridge and the real sense of community exhibited.

“Although only there for a week, I was pleased to be able to speak with lots of people and hear about their hopes and concerns for the future.

“I’m already looking forward to returning to Ascension and, having been there for myself, am now even more proud to be Governor of such a wonderful and unique Island.”

#StHelena #AscensionIsland #GovernorRushbrook #FirstVisit

16 July 2019

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470