Consultation on fisheries policies – deadline Friday 13 September 2019

St Helena Government is currently seeking views from the public on a Policy Statement for Management of St Helena’s Fisheries and a Policy for the Licensing of Fishing Activities in St Helena’s Waters. Public Consultation closes on Friday, 13 September 2019.

Two consultation meetings targeted to the different stakeholder groups will take place as follows:

  • Recreational fishing meeting:

Canister Conference Room (upstairs) on Wednesday, 11 September 2019, at 4.30pm

  • Drop-in surgery for the public to ask questions/discuss documents:

Essex House Conference Room on Thursday, 12 September 2019, from 3pm to 6pm

Electronic copies of the draft policies can be found on the Publications page of the SHG website at:

Hard copies are also available from the Scotland and Essex House Office Receptions. Further information can be obtained from the Senior Fisheries Officer, Gerald Benjamin, on tel: 24724 or email:

Please send your comments to Gerald Benjamin via the above email address by 4pm on Friday, 13 September 2019.

A summary of all feedback received through this exercise will be provided to the Economic Development Committee for their consideration as part of the process of updating the policies and their recommendation for adoption.


9 September 2019

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470