15 October 2019
Bonfire Night (Tuesday, 5 November 2019) is just around the corner, but when planning your celebrations this year please remember St Helena’s current water situation.
For the past few years the average volume of water used to extinguish bonfires at popular events is approximately 40,000 litres or two fifths of the Island’s daily water consumption.
The St Helena Fire & Rescue Service (SHF&RS) has therefore imposed the following restriction that any bonfires this year should be no more than 6 metres in diameter and 1.5 metres high. The SHF&RS will be monitoring the size of bonfire material prior to events taking place. However, once the bonfire is lit and starts getting smaller, more timber can be added.
Furthermore, hazardous materials such as tyres, paint tins, aerosol cans, furniture containing foam (foam contains cyanide which is deadly), asbestos (which is illegal to burn) etc should not be allowed on the fire as this is dangerous for spectators.
As normal, the SHF&RS will be patrolling events on the night as Safety Officers.
For further information or clarification please contact the Fire Station on tel: 23344.
The St Helena Fire & Rescue Service wishes everyone a safe and happy Bonfire Night.
#StHelena #SHFRS #BonfireNight #FireRestrictions #AltogetherSafer #SaveWater
15 October 2019